• Considering the frequent and unavoidable requirement of thermoplastics in the Petrochemical and refinery industry, we are in the process of upgrading our service range by introducing thermoplastic services to our service range. The limitation of the composites in preventing corrosion and the advantages of the thermoplastics over the composites are also the major reasons for this up- gradation plan. By the implementation of this up- gradation we will be able to render a perfect solution to Corrosion to our reputed customers. 

    Apart from that, we are planning to set up an in-built testing facility for the composites and thermoplastics. Also we are planning to introduce CNC-aided filament winding machine which has more flexibility and productivity when compared to the normal one.

    The following are our major targets for the near future.



    In addition to the existing FRP services, we are planning to introduce thermoplastic lined fiberglass products in the near future. The major thermoplastics targeted are as below.


    Normal thermo plastics:

    • PP (poly propylene)
    • PVC(poly vinyl chloride)
    • CPVC( chlorinated poly vinyl chloride)


    Fluoro plastics for critical applications:

    • PVDF-Poly vinylidene fluoride
    • FEP-Fluorinated ethylene propylene
    • PFA-Per fluoro Alkoxy
    • PTFE-poly tetra fluoro ethylene
    • ECTFE-Ethylene Chloro tri fluoro ethylene
    • SG PTFE- Second grade PTFE.


    CNC filament winding machine:

    Four axis, computer numerical control (CNC) filament winding machine with the latest programming software from SIEMENS will be introduced replacing our old technology of manufacturing pipes and vessels.


    Quality control Laboratory:

    We have also plan to set up one testing laboratory to assure the quality of our products and services. The laboratory will have the facilities for testing the following parameters.

    • Periodical approval of welders and laminators.
    • Tensile strength of thermo plastic sheet and acid test.
    • Lap shear strength of laminate.
    • Shear strength of bond between liner and laminate.
    • Peel strength of bond between liner and laminate.
    • Barcol - Hardness
    • Spark test for 100% weld joint @ 5 kv/mm in case of liners.


    All the above characteristics will be tested using the following equipments.


    • Tensile testing machines.
    • Barcol hardness tester.
    • High frequency and high voltage spark tester.
    • Vacuum and pressure pumps.



    We are also planning to set up post curing oven to accelerate our production during cold seasons.



    Further, in an attempt to comply with international standards in manufacturing FRP process vessels, pipes and fittings we are reviewing our design standards and updating them with the international design and testing standards. These include the following important standards:


    British standards:

    • BS-4994(1987 with addendum of 1990) –British standard specification of for design and construction of vessels and tanks in reinforced plastics.
    • BS-6464(1984) British standard specification for reinforced plastic pipes, fittings and joints for process plants.
    • BS-7159 (1989) British standard code of practice for design and construction of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) piping systems for individual plants or sites.
    • BS-5480(1990) British standard specification for glass reinforced plastics pipes, joints and fittings for use for water supply and sewerage.
    • BS-5480-part1 (1982) British standard specification for glass reinforced plastics pipes, joints and fittings for use for water supply and sewerage. Part 2- Design and performance requirements.
    • BS-6374-part 1(1985)- British standard for lining of equipments with polymeric material for the process industries.
    • Part1- specification for lining with sheet thermoplastics.
    • BS EN-976(1997)- underground tanks of glass reinforced plastics- horizontal cylindrical tanks for the non-pressure storage of liquid petroleum based fuels.
    • Part1- requirements and test methods for single wall tanks.
    • Part2- transport, handling, storage and installation of single wall tanks.
    • BS-EN-978(1997) underground tanks of glass reinforced plastics (GRP) – determination of factor α and β.


    German standards:

    • DIN 16965- part 4,5.


    American standards:

    • ASTM-volume 08.04 – plastic pipe and building products
    • PS-15-69 voluntary product standard for custom contact molded reinforced polyester chemical resistant process equipment.


    By the completion of this up-gradation program customers will be able to avail enhanced services related to composites and thermoplastics under one roof.

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