Organization Management System

Our organization management system is as per the organization chart attached. Every activity related to our organization is well monitored through qualified managers and executed through a team of well-qualified staff of proven ability. While retaining the discretionary powers to the top managers the assignments are properly distributed in such a way that every empowerment functions with well-balanced liberty, discipline and control. The brief organizational functions are as below.

Founders & shareholders

The high-level policy matters and business decision making are reserved to our company shareholders.While shareholders monitor all business activities, the control to the everyday business activities is conveyed through the General Manager.



General Manager functions under shareholders and controls the other Managers like Sales Manager, Factory Manager, Finance Manager and Purchase Manager.  General Manager Reserves discretionary powers over certain business related matters but well monitored by the shareholders. Every decision making related to the other lower level portfolios are carried out by the General Manager.


Deputy General Manager

 an executive position who's primary function is to learn the General Manager duties in case they ever have to fill in for the General Manager. And to be an emergency fill-in for the GM, or any top position in the company.



Sales manager functions under General Manager and co-ordinate with factory manager for sales related factory matters. The activities of immediate lower portfolios like sales and site engineers are controlled and monitored by the sales manager. Sales manager is also empowered with independent discretionary powers for decision making related to sales affairs of lower magnitude.



Factory manager is assigned as the senior most controller of factory. Every activity of the factory is controlled and monitored by the factory manager. Factory manager directly report to the General Manager and co-ordinate with sales manager. Factory manager is vested with independent powers related to factory affairs.



Executive secretary duties are under the top management and act as a mediator. Executive secretary co-ordinates  with government relation department for governmental matters.



Purchase manager controls all purchase related matters through purchase assistant and stores keeper and in co-ordination with finance manager.



Finance manager report to the General Manager and function through finance assistant. Finance manager co-ordinates with all other managers for finance related matters of respective departments.



Shop-floor production is managed by the factory manager and executed through factory supervisor. Under the factory supervisor, team leaders are assigned for every production jobs. Team leaders control the production through skilled technicians, carpenters and helpers. The Number of team leaders depends on the quantum of job. Apart from that independent quality control engineers evaluate quality of the raw material, accuracy of the mold and product and the comments will be implemented.

Scheduling and production plans are prepared and implemented through the supervisor and Factory manager.



Every maintenance site is handled by independent site supervisors and monitored by sales manager through site engineers.

The quantity of the site supervisors and site engineers are varied depending upon the quantum and criticality of the jobs.

Safety engineers function independently and ensure the safety of the crew through effective implementations of safety programs.

Safety awareness programs are conducted periodically to impart safety awareness among our working crew.

Site supervisor assigns the independent jobs to the team leaders and the skilled and unskilled crew work under the team leader.

For project jobs, we assign project manager at site and depute our site engineers to perform quality evaluation and other supplementary jobs related to project quality assurance.

Separate supervisors and safety officers will be assigned for the project jobs.



Sales and Customer service cell is managed by the sales manager under the scrutiny of the General Manager.  This is comprised of qualified engineers of proven ability who can suggest and solve any customer inquiries instantly.  Sales and customer service representatives visit all the contract sites periodically and upon inquiry calls. They are able for on the spot evaluation of the jobs with the ability of providing service plans and budgeting.

The inquiries are estimated through a team of estimators comprised of qualified sales and site engineers.



The purchase manager through purchase assistant and storekeeper manages procurement department. Purchase manager co-ordinates with factory manager, sales manager and finance manager for the timely and effective functioning.



Dispatch department is comprised of dispatch assistant, delivery helpers and drivers. Dispatch assistant prepares delivery schedules in co-ordination with the factory manager.

The above categorized “organization management system” is subjected to the evaluation of the top management system by frequent and scheduled meetings.

Efficiencies of individuals are well monitored and assignments are accordingly changed.  Capability and efficiencies of every individual is identified and encouraged properly.

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